Mining Monitoring
Slopes of open pit mines typically consist of a series of benched, steep cuts. Movement of slope walls and groundwater levels can be monitored to watch for areas of instability or aid in pit dewatering efforts. Various openings, tunnels, and shafts of underground mines can experience ground failure or instability. Monitoring programs can consist of instruments to monitor tunnel roof subsidence/ convergence and shaft instability.
Slope Stability Monitoring
Whether it is surface of subsurface slope stability, UTNT have solutions for both the problems. Excellence of Shape Array from Measurand and complimenting Geotechnical Measurement Solutions from RST instruments.
Measurand designs and manufactures Shape Array, which is used to monitor deformation of soil and structures like mines, dams, tunnels, walls, and buildings. Shape Array is an automated shape-measuring, inclinometer-style instrument on a reel, which has set a new standard for ease of installation. Shape Array data are available in real-time, enabling engineers and designers to reduce risk and save money by making smarter, faster decisions.
Geotechnical instruments manufactured by RST Instrument typically complement geospatial or radar systems, which monitor surficial movements.
Environmental Monitoring
Tough weather and pollutants are major factors for life threatening deceases and strokes for the peoples working regularly in the mines. Monitoring makes us informed and information can be used for quick decision making for avoiding the losses due to extreme weather conditions and pollution.
Our solutions for monitoring weather and pollution from reputed world Indian brands like Aeron Systems, Oizom, and many other products from different expert manufacturers from the world.